नमस्कार आपका स्वागत है

नमस्कार  आपका स्वागत है
नमस्कार आपका स्वागत है

Sunday, August 20, 2017

निर्भय निर्गुण ....कबीर !

Nirbhaiy Nirgun

Nirbhay Nirgun Gun Re Gaunga

Mool Kamal Dradh Aasan Bandhu-ji
Ulti Pavan Chadaunga

Man Mamta Ko Thir Kar Laun-ji
Pancho Tat Milaunga

Ingala Pingala Sukhman Nadi-ji
Tirveni Pe Haun Nahaunga

Panch Pachhison Pakad Mangaun-ji
Ek Hi Dor Lagaunga

Shunya Shikhar Par Anhad Baje-ji
Raag Chattis Sunaunga

Kahat Kabir Suno Bhai Sadho-ji
Jeet Nishan Ghuraunga


Fearless, formless, that’s the form I’ll sing 

I’ll bind the root lotus,
Make the breath flow upward.

I’ll make the mind and feelings still
The five elements one.

Right, left, middle channels
I’ll bathe where three streams meet.

I’ll catch the five and twenty five,
String them on one thread.

On the peak of emptiness where the unstruck sound resounds, 
I’ll sing thirty-six ragas.

Kabir says, listen, truth-seekers,
I’ll seize the sign of victory.

Translated by Linda Hess